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Find what you’re look for with Video Chapters

Try out Video Chapters, which assist you better sail videos by allowing you to jump ahead to a specific section of a video recording, rewatch a portion of a video recording and sir thomas more.Bojan Živković - YouTube Today, we’re extending this feature article to include a new list opinion that you can receive by tapping or clicking the chapter title in the histrion . You’ll be able to see a nail lean of all chapters included in the video you’re observance, each with a preview thumbnail of what you’ll regain in that chapter . Save metre by speedily jumping to the role you’re concerned in!

Go to bed with Bedtime Reminders

We ’ve of late introduced bedtime reminders, a new digital wellbeing tool that gets you set reminders at specific times to full stop observation video recordings and go to bed, which unions our cortege of features to aid you wield your time on YouTube. Bojan Živković - YouTube We hope you try out these helpful leads the next time you’re watching your favorite creator on YouTube and bet ahead to hearing your feedback.

Bojan Živković - YouTube

Bojan Živković - YouTube

Bojan Živković - YouTube

Bojan živković